Friends N Factoids
We're two long distance friends sharing random topics of interest from Mondegreens to the history of Halloween and everything in between. Keeping things positive as we navigate life. Join us for some laughs and learn something along the way!
Podcasting since 2022 • 38 episodes
Friends N Factoids
Latest Episodes
Oscars Best Picture ~Part 2~
Part Two, Enjoy ! Rest In Peace, Gene Hackman. Thank you for sharing your genius in The French Connection (spoken about in Part One) and Unforgiven as well as many other movies that we all love and will continue to enjoy.Sour...

Episode 31 Oscars Best Picture ~Part 1~
Join us in a chat about the Best Picture winners of Oscar past. How many of these winners have you seen? Sourceshttps://www.imdb.com/

Episode 30- Birds & Failed Assassinations
We are getting back into the swing of things with a chitty chat about birds and some failed assassination attempts.Sources: https:...